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Saturday, October 29, 2016

October Surprises, Both Hillary's and Trump's

Ah Hillary. You are the gift that keeps on giving. With the latest re-opening of the FBI case on her email servers, I decided to go though everything that's been revealed simply in October. From Wikileaks to Project Veritas to her health, there's a lot. Don't worry, I include Trump's October scandal as well.

Spoiler alert: He said "P*ssy."

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Whatever Happened to Live and Let Live?

Back in the 80s I recall the pushback against Christian moralizing. Telling us what we couldn't listen to, what words were bad, etc. George Carlin's "7 words you can't say" exemplified this. When a reverend didn't like what he heard on the radio, Carlin's answer was succinct: "Hey Reverend, don't you know there are two knobs on the radio?"

There was an inherent philosophy that basically came down to "Live and let live." You do you, I'll do me. If you don't like what I like, no problem, just don't engage. You don't like my comedian's? You don't have to listen. Just don't tell me what I can listen to. Don't tell me what's funny or not funny, I'll decide for myself.

That has turned on its head. Regressives are no longer satisfied with enjoying what they enjoy, you must enjoy it too. Take the case of Memories pizza. Here was a pizza parlor that was asked by a reporter if they would cater a gay wedding. They said they wouldn't given that 1, no one would cater a wedding with pizza and 2, while they never turned away anyone from the restaurant, they just didn't want to participate in something that wasn't their thing. I don't care why, whether it was their values or they just didn't feel like, they shouldn't be forced to do it.

Oh the outrage. You must accept and participate. You must conform to what we decide. This is no different than the crap in the 80's by the Christians. Regressive's have become what they hate. Well done.

That brings us to this little video I made. People going to a comedy club are now berated for laughing. Laughing for chrissake.

What an awful person.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Notes from the Swamp 10-24-2016

Looks like perhaps Hillary and big pharma collude. No worries, as long as you have someone to bribe the FBI in your pocket.


Monday, October 24, 2016

Rigged? Trump may have a point..

Trump may be a buffoon but the project Veritas videos raise enough questions that he may have a point. I didn't see his concern as "beyond the pale" as the media did. It's clear to me that the law was broken here but maybe you see it differently. I'm not a lawyer nor an FEC observer so I am going off of what I believe the laws say. Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Well, That Happened

Interesting debate. Couple of things I noticed:

1. Hillary made a crack on Trump getting a loan from his dad for 14k. He should've gotten it the honest way like how Hillary did with cattle futures.
2. Michael Reagan said:

Really? After the project Veritas videos, is Trump really that off-base?

3. Hit Hillary on the 6 billion, the Clinton foundation, the voter fraud, the people ginning up violence at rally's, he really pulled no punches. Good on him.
4. He wasn't specific enough on some policy issues. A little too much "We're gonna do something awesome" moments but not enough how he was going to "something awesome."
5. Hillary is buzzword central. Seriously, how does anyone believe a word she says? She went back and forth between rattled and robot drone.
6. She likes to talk about how bad and mean he is with women. I think Juanita Broderick, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and various other women would like to hear more about that.
7. She kept talk about how bad Russia is and how she is the only one who can protect us from Russia. If they kept hacking the DNC and her email, was that her big point? How they kept grabbing emails under their watch is a resume item? I'm completely flummoxed by her argument. Failure is a skill enhancement.

Overall whoever wins, we lose. But we'll lose more with Hillary. She's just awful. So corrupt.

Bill Clinton -- First Lady?!

Sometimes you do things just for yourself. These three videos are an example of that. Something about creepy Bill Clinton taking his wife's former job is hilarious to me.

Probably only me. That's ok.

Youtube page is up!

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My first big video is how the movie PCU predicted the SJW movement long ago and how stupid it was then just like now. Enjoy!

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